Hi Matthew, Matthew Sauer <improv.philoso...@gmail.com> writes:
> The agenda view will be a user definable number of days calendar with > a user defined number of days in the future view of upcoming deadlines > or just unscheduled deadlines (a choice between the two may have to be > implemented in the future as my skills grow and more contribute?) and > at the bottom we would find TODO keywords (maybe I need to change this > to != all not done keywords in the future) that are not scheduled and > do not have a deadline on them (kind of a someday/sometime todos). Mmhh... an interactive interface for building custom agenda views? I'd be curious about the result, but that'd probably be useful! > What I am needing to know is about adding an agenda view via a .el > file to the custom agenda views. Could I do that, something like > this: > -----Cut here---start code---cut here---start code----- > (add-to-list > '(org-agenda-custom-commands > (quote > ( > ("s" "Startup View" > ------Cut Here---end code----cut here----end code---- Did you try this? It should not work. In this file in Worg http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/advanced-searching.html you can see this example: #+begin_src emacs-lisp (add-to-list 'org-agenda-custom-commands '("b" "Big books" tags "+BIB_PAGES>1000")) #+end_src > When I get my basic idea for the package outlined a little more I will > ask for some help with testing on it at the github I have setup. Keep us posted! Thanks, -- Bastien