Hello all, I have decided to work on a startup dot el package geared around orgmode. I want to get it up to a basic functionality before I allow it to be distributed and I know I still have some work to do to get it to that point.
My first goal is have a file open on either the left or the right and a somewhat customizable agenda buffer on the other side. What I am trying to accomplish is the providing of a easy to use interface for beginners in org-mode to get started and use it for task/project management. The agenda view will be a user definable number of days calendar with a user defined number of days in the future view of upcoming deadlines or just unscheduled deadlines (a choice between the two may have to be implemented in the future as my skills grow and more contribute?) and at the bottom we would find TODO keywords (maybe I need to change this to != all not done keywords in the future) that are not scheduled and do not have a deadline on them (kind of a someday/sometime todos). What I am needing to know is about adding an agenda view via a .el file to the custom agenda views. Could I do that, something like this: -----Cut here---start code---cut here---start code----- (add-to-list '(org-agenda-custom-commands (quote ( ("s" "Startup View" ------Cut Here---end code----cut here----end code---- When I get my basic idea for the package outlined a little more I will ask for some help with testing on it at the github I have setup. Thank you in advance for your suggestions/support and feedback. -- Matthew