
when the follwing org-file is exported to LaTeX, #+BEGIN_ORG
and #+END_ORG is inserted in the tex-file.

* Testing output perl to org

  #+srcname: TestingPerlToOrg
  #+begin_src perl :exports results :results output org
    print "Hello World\n";

  #+results: TestingPerlToOrg
  Hello World

Relevant part of the tex-file:
#+begin_src latex
    Hello World

If the #+BEGIN_ORG ... #+END_ORG starts at column 0 it is not inserted
into the tex-file. Other blocks (e.g. #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE ... #+END_EXAMPLE)
are not inserted if they are indented.

Tested with:
emacs 23.2.1 on WinXP
Org-mode version 7.6 (release_7.6.75.g67e9) (local patch to makefile)

Thanks again for org-mode. More and more of my collegues are starting to
use it!
Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards 

Thomas Holst 

Tel.   +49 (711) 811-40681
PC-Fax +49 (711) 811-5182208

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