Hi Bernt,

· Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:
> Thomas Holst <thomas.ho...@de.bosch.com> writes:
>> Hi Bastien,
>> thanks for your answer. 
>>>> when the follwing org-file is exported to LaTeX, #+BEGIN_ORG
>>>> and #+END_ORG is inserted in the tex-file.
>>> You surely want
>>> #+begin_src org
>>> #+end_src org
>>> "#+begin_org" doesn't exist.
>> #+END_ORG
>> Here is an example which shows the issue.
>> #+begin_src org
>> * Testing org-babel perl
>>   #+srcname: TestingPerl
>>   #+begin_src perl :exports results :results output org
>>     print("#+CAPTION: A caption\n");
>>     print("#+LABEL: tbl:dvi\n");
>>     print("#+ATTR_LaTeX: placement[H]\n");
>>     print("| *bold/T* |\n");
>>     print("|--------|\n");
>>     print("| normal |\n");
>>   #+end_src
>>   #+results: TestingPerl
>>   #+BEGIN_ORG
>>   #+CAPTION: A caption
>>   #+LABEL: tbl:dvi
>>   #+ATTR_LaTeX: placement[H]
>>   | *bold/T* |
>>   |--------|
>>   | normal |
>>   #+END_ORG
>> #+end_src org
> You have nested #+begin_src / #+end_src in this example.  I'm not sure
> that is supported.

I used #+begin_src / #+end_src org only to show the org file in my
email. The part between #+begin / #+end_src org is the content of my
test org file.

As Eric said the problem is #+begin_org / #+end_org which is inserted by
babel. If #+begin_org / #+end_org does not start at column 0 it appears in
the exported LaTeX file.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards 

Thomas Holst 

Tel.   +49 (711) 811-40681
PC-Fax +49 (711) 811-5182208

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