Hi Stefan,

Thanks for the tips. Most already done.

On Tue, 5 Jul 2011, Stefan Vollmar wrote:
you could start with an Emacs-typical approach by editing your ~/.emacs-file so that .org-files are automatically opened with org-mode

Yes I've followed the initial instructions and love that emacs knows modes based on file extension and/or content.

If you put this line into your .bashrc file:
alias e="open -a /Applications/Aquamacs.app/"
you can do this from the commandline:
e somefile.org

I use this:

eee() { if [ ! -e "$@" ]; then touch "$@"; fi; /sw/bin/launch -m -a Aquamacs 
"$@"; }

I also have copied Aquamacs.app, renamed it OrgMode.app, and have the unicorn as the icon. I'm a bit stuck on the last step you suggest.

If you are thinking about a distribution-like approach (so it works "out-of-the-box" for others) you would probably need to copy your changes to a



I don't need it to distribute it to 3rd parties, but I'm not opposed to setting it up like that. What files should I put in the directory? And what contents? And how do I get emacs to auto-load them? I'm still figuring out a workflow so please let me know if this makes sense, but I'm picturing something like this:

* I launch my OrgMode.app

* It opens and (via its internal site-lisp magic) loads ~/Dropbox/Org/index.org

* index.org is a file I'll maintain manually that links to my other org files so I can access them using the inter-linking ability in org-mode

* If something like index.org can be automated that would be OK, but I don't mind maintaning it as my meta-org file. Perhaps based on something like I have now in my .emacs:

(setq org-agenda-files (list "~/Dropbox/org/foo.org"


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