Dear Ken,

you could start with an Emacs-typical approach by editing your ~/.emacs-file so 
that .org-files are automatically opened with org-mode, also adding any other 
keyboard shortcuts you find useful, see

If you put this line into your .bashrc file:

alias e="open -a /Applications/"

you can do this from the commandline:


and it will be opened in Aquamacs (using an existing instance of Aquamacs if it 
is already open - I find that I have Aquamacs open all the time).

One way of changing the icon is to copy, then using an icon editor 
(e.g. the one from the Apple's Developer Kit). A simpler way is this:

If you are thinking about a distribution-like approach (so it works 
"out-of-the-box" for others) you would probably need to copy your changes to a 



Hope this helps,

On 05.07.2011, at 06:19, Ken Mankoff wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm just beginning to use org-mode on OS X. I'm in a terminal a lot, and in 
> Aquamacs Emacs a lot too, but not all the time. To make it easier to use 
> org-mode, I would like to give it a dedicated app with the org-mode icon 
> (unicorn) in the dock. Is there a way to do this?
> is a single site browser (SSB) that sort of turns web pages into 
> desktop apps. I would like something similar for Emacs.
> I think one way might be to make a copy of Aquamacs Emacs, change the icon, 
> and then edit the "info.plist" or some internal file so that when it launches 
> it launches directly into org-mode, loading some keystrokes to my default 
> view.
> Has anyone else done something similar? Is anyone else interested in 
> something like this? Any suggestions how to go about doing it?
> Thanks,
>  -k.

Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
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Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
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