The only place microemacs might be by now could be some orphan version of 
the simtel archives.  Taken down but last I knew not entirely removed from 
the internet. On Sat, 4 Jun 2011, Nick Dokos wrote:

> Jude DaShiell <> wrote:
> > Compare that documentation with the documentation written for 
> > micro-emacs, that should give you an idea what I mean by reasonable 
> > documentation.  Also, thanks for the faq pointers.
> > 
> and
> > 1) so we understand each other.  My complaint has nothing to do with 
> >    org-mode's documentation and everything to do with the documentation 
> >    for git itself.
> [was there supposed to be a 2) etc?]
> 1) It would have helped if you had said that to begin with: I was left
>    wondering what "that" documentation was. And the comparison with the
>    micro-emacs doc was entirely impenetrable to me. Can you provide a
>    pointer to that doc? Daniel Lawrence's site seems to be gone.
> 2) For git, Pieter provided some appropriate links. I'll take the
>    opportunity to recommend Scott Chacon's book (
> 3) For future reference, here are pointers to a couple of useful
>    documents on how to ask questions and how to submit bug reports:
>    The first is linked from the main orgmode page (;
>    the second is linked from the "How to contribute" page on Worg
>    ( I recommend both of
>    these to everybody.
> Nick

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