On 7.5.2011, at 17:20, Bert Burgemeister wrote:

> Matt Lundin <m...@imapmail.org> writes:
>> Bert Burgemeister <tre...@googlemail.com> writes:
>>> Just curious, is there anything I should have known that prevented the
>>> patch submitted in http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/39313,
>> Is it still in the bugtracker, or was it rejected?
> Yes, and no.
>> With your patch, what would happen if there were two or more links in
>> the headline?
>> * Two links
>> %%(format "%s" (concat "[[elisp:(info)]" "[Link to info]]"))
>> http://www.orgmode.org
>> This entry would show up in the agenda as:
>>  org:      [[elisp:(info)][Link to info]]
>> But AFAICT, hitting C-c C-o in the agenda-buffer (even on the elisp
>> link) would jump immediately to http://www.orgmode.org, bypassing the
>> opportunity to select the the %%(...) generated link.
> That's true and your patch reduces org-mode's LOC, so you win.

Hi Bert,

does this mean


is now obsolete?


- Carsten

> -- 
> Bert

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