Hi Nick,

Nick Dokos wrote:
> Ben Finney <ben+em...@benfinney.id.au> wrote:
>> Avdi Grimm <gro...@inbox.avdi.org> writes:
>> Nowadays with Unicode available ubiquitously we can simply use the
>> correct typographical quotation marks directly in the plain text file,
>> but TeX and some other legacy systems don't work very well with Unicode.

I really hate those "smart quotes", better named "dumb quotes", because:

- I don't find them attractive at all, but that's personal, and could depend
  on font families, etc.

- they're not correctly converted when playing with the coding system: from
  UTF-8 to Latin 1, for example. That's really nasty.

I was/am planning to have a function for converting them on the fly when
pasting... or when saving the Org buffer... or at any better moment. Though, I
didn't get the right code to do so yet...

> AFAIK, TeX works fine with UTF8, given the defaults that org-mode export uses.
> What problems do you see?

UTF-8 is correctly handled in LaTeX documents, but not in every environment:
Listings has problems, even if a Listings exist for UTF-8, and so for many
other environments.

So I would say that UTF-8 usage is still not yet fully supported in TeX.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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