Avdi Grimm <gro...@inbox.avdi.org> wrote:

> So I'm writing an eBook with lots of source code listings, using
> org-mode-LaTeX->PDF with the "minted" package providing source code
> highlighting. For the most part I'm really, really happy with the
> toolchain; thank you to those that pointed me in the direction of
> "minted".
> One issue: my beta reviewers have noted that when copy-and-pasting
> source code listings that contain single-quoted strings, they are
> getting "smart quotes"--i.e. the first quote is a backquote, the
> second quote is a single quote. This breaks the pasted code.

In cases like this, an example would help: what you start with in the org
file, what it looks like in the tex file (and any other intermediate 
and what the resulting PDF file looks like. FWIW, I tried exporting to PDF
the following:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

* foo

#+begin_src elisp :results value :exports both

(setq foo '(bar baz))


| bar | baz |

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

and then, while viewing the PDF file with xpdf, tried pasting the
lisp-expression from the PDF back into the org file (and even evaluated
it). This worked without a hitch.

So please give us more information.


PS. IIRC, a long time there was a problem like this: trying to copy and paste
a lisp expression from the org manual resulted in an error because of a "wrong"
quote. I couldn't remember the details so I searched the mailing list. The 
starts at


but a) the warning does not appear in the Org manual any longer and b) I
now cannot reproduce *that* problem at all (not with xpdf, not with
evince and not even with acroread). But it *was* a problem with an older
version of acroread (and, apparently evince as well), so maybe that's
where you should concentrate your investigations: what PDF viewer are you
using and what is the version?


[fn:1] Don't know anything about minted so this part of the toolchain is
opaque to me: I don't know if it produces other intermediate files.

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