El mar, 19 abr 2011, Olivier Schwander decĂa: > Dear Org users, > > I am pleased to do the first announce of neo, which stands for "No Emacs > Org". The goal of this project is to provide a full implementation of > Org usable in Python.
Excelent!! but find some errors: - Fix setup.py for install: diff -rN old-neo/setup.py new-neo/setup.py 12c12 < packages = ['org'], --- > packages = ['org','org.actions'], - Add README with required packages: # apt-get install python-argparse python-yaml # easy install texttable - Find bug parsing <20> (width column in table) as DATE - Error in the line type = repeat.group("type") -- ((.)) Osiris Alejandro Gomez (OSiUX) os...@osiux.com.ar | E1B1 EB8E E37B 10B3 47E9 D73A 2C09 297C FFB9 4410 -)| http://wiki.buenosaireslibre.org/NodoOsiux |(- osiux.osiux.bal
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