Keep up the good work! PS. I actually wish there were a html/javascript implementation that can pull org files directly from some online storage places (google docs or dropbox...). It looks to me, by reading the code, that it might be possible to directly port the python code to javascript?
On Tue, 19 Apr 2011 19:59:51 +0200, Olivier Schwander wrote: > Dear Org users, > I am pleased to do the first announce of neo, which stands for "No Emacs > Org". The goal of this project is to provide a full implementation of > Org usable in Python. > Current features > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > - Org file parser > - Agenda builder > - Todo-list builder > - Custom todo keywords > - Command line interface for agenda and todo-lists > Limitations > ~~~~~~~~~~~~ > - Read-only (no org file modifications support) > - No drawers parsing > - No exporters > - No formaters parsing (like ==, //, ** and so on, it will wait for > exporters) > - No filtering support > Roadmap > ~~~~~~~~ > - Filtering based on tags > - Write support for changing todo keywords > - Capture action in the cli > - Exporter for HTML > Ideas of possible applications > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ > - Command line interface > - Web applications (for GTD like, or even a wiki) > - Batch export on a server without emacs > - Integration with others tools (like vim) > - Qt/Gtk user interface > This is not a release (I need to do more tests, and add some > documentation), but more a request for comments, ideas or possible > improvement. You can fetch the sources with > darcs get > and have a look at the repository on > The package can be installed with the usual Python tools (python > build/install). Then launch the command 'neo' to see the help (or > simply launch neo in the sources directory). > Cheers, > Olivier -- J c/* __o/* X <\ * (__ Y */\ <