On 19 April 2011 18:12, Bernt Hansen <be...@norang.ca> wrote:

> Hi Robert,
> From section 10.5 of the org-mode manual
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> `v l  or short  l     (`org-agenda-log-mode')'
>     Toggle Logbook mode.  In Logbook mode, entries that were marked
>     DONE while logging was on (variable `org-log-done') are shown in
>     the agenda, as are entries that have been clocked on that day.
>                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>     You can configure the entry types that should be included in log
>     mode using the variable `org-agenda-log-mode-items'.  When called
>     with a `C-u' prefix, show all possible logbook entries, including
>     state changes.  When called with two prefix args `C-u C-u', show
>     only logging information, nothing else.  `v L' is equivalent to
>     `C-u v l'.
> --8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
> If you have any suggestions on how to improve this please let us know.

Well, I would have said "a pointer/cross-reference from
the "Clocking work time" section".

But actually, I see there *is* a link, at the foot of 8.4.1.
But I didn't see it (or its significance did not register).

Trying to re-construct my previous mental state, I think I
believed that the "Agenda" seemed to be about TODOs and
the like, and I'm not currently using that.  So I didn't
look/see the options that it offers, and nothing cued me
to the fact that it could/would display clocked time.

SO, two suggestions that would have maybe helped me:

The "full monty" solution would be to create a new sub-section
on "Correcting clocked time", and actually spell out what
you can do to fix up your clocked time when the you
realise you've done it wrong.

And add a sentence or two at the end of the first para of 8.4, saying that
clocked working time can be shown in some Agenda displays, and
mentioning the "l" option.

((Good grief!  While writing this, I've just tried the command again,
  and noticed that all previous activity on the current task is
  highlighted.  NEAT!  ))

Anyway, I'm a happy camper.  Thanks for all your help.

> Regards,
> Bernt


Robert Inder,                                    0131 229 1052 / 07808 492 213
Interactive Information Ltd,   3, Lauriston Gardens, Edinburgh EH3 9HH
Registered in Scotland, Company no. SC 150689
                                           Interactions speak louder than words

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