I've recently started using Org mode in earnest, and in particular using the
time logging stuff.

It's brilliant.

But I have a problem.  I sometimes (well, OK, fairly often, actually!)
forget to clock in/out of jobs.  That's OK, org is "my life in plain text", and
I can simply edit the relevant clock lines to create a correct record
of the day.


I worry about messing things up --- getting the times wrong, and either
leaving gaps or creating overlapping activities, or both.

So I'd like a way to review the time-line for a day: a way to see all the
clock-in/clock-out pairs in order, so I can see any gaps or overlaps.

Ideally with the relevant task title as well, to speed up fixing the mistake....

I can't believe I'm the only person to have wanted this, but I can't see an
obvious way to get it.

Is there a way to get this?


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