Michael Brand <michael.ch.br...@gmail.com> writes:

> Yes, I suggest to remove this limitation and would prefer TIMESTAMP
> much over OCCURANCE, APPOINTMENT (not every occurrance is an
> appointment) or any other name to avoid a second name for the same
> behavior of the existing special property TIMESTAMP and to avoid
> confusions/collisions at other places like e. g. selecting a property
> for a column view. In the sense of special properties I also suggest
> to allow different formats:
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword inside drawer)
>  :TIMESTAMP: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>
>  :END:
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword outside drawer)
>  :TIMESTAMP: <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>
> * _appointment_ that _occurs_ at bike shop (keyword-less, at least for
> backward compatibility)
>   <2011-04-12 Tue 19:00>

Interesting, I like that style.  My main concern is that newer orgmode
files written in this form might break in older versions of orgmode.

The bottom line.

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