Christopher Allan Webber <> writes:

> theo <> writes:
>> Hello,
>> On 12/04/2011 00:42, Christopher Allan Webber wrote:
>>> I was once one of the many people who apparently originally
>>> misunderstood what "SCHEDULED" meant, and used to set it to like, an
>>> appointment time.
>> That's what I do.
>> Maybe I lack background, but why do you think it's not appropriate for
>> this use?
> So when it comes to TODO like things, SCHEDULED is when you should start
> working on it, DEADLINE is when it's due.
> One side effect of doing it "wrong" is that non-TODO items that are
> SCHEDULED stay on your agenda forever (or until archived, and still
> forever with archive view on), which is nasty.

There is a nice FAQ on this:


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