I just use refmode to insert bib citations into my org-files. Both
Zotero and Mendeley can export bibtex files, so that's one method of
semi-automating the process (Mendeley will automatically update the
file for you - not sure about Zotero).

On Wed, Mar 30, 2011 at 1:54 AM, Alan E. Davis <lngn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It's in my mind to find a way to use orgmode for organizing pdfs and BibTex
> data.  I haven't untangled storage of PDFs and linking to BibTeX, and I
> haven't found a solution to organizing it all through orgmode.
> An important piece of the puzzle, though, needs mention: cb2bib helps
> semi-automate making a BibTeX entry from a citation, or Google Scholar
> BibTeX output.
> I wonder if it would help to use orgmode for bibtex *.bib files.  I think
> comments can be included in those files.  Or does it also work the other way
> around, that any file can be used as a bibtex source database?
> Matt's workflow makes sense.
> Alan Davis

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