Hi Eric,

"Eric Schulte" wrote:
> I've added two hooks, `org-mime-send-subtree-hook' and
> `org-mime-send-buffer-hook' which can be used to do this, for example
> the following
> #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>   (add-hook 'org-mime-send-subtree-hook
>             (lambda ()
>               (org-entry-put (point) "mail_sent" (current-time-string))))
> #+end_src

Maybe we could format the time string as an inactive Org timestamp?

I've searched in org-capture for such an example (use of %u) but couldn't spot
one, at least easily.

> will add a mail_sent property with the current time when org-mime-subtree is
> called. The only downside here is that the property is added before the
> email is sent, so choosing not to send the email after reviewing it in the
> message buffer could result in a misleading mail_sent property, in fact
> maybe mail_sent should be changed to mail_composed.

I guess too that that name is better.

FYI, when I'm M-x'ing org-mime-subtree:

- it opens a message mode buffer, but slightly different from the one I have
  if I do `m' in Gnus:

  + no Organization field,
  + no signature
  + etc.

  (I'm using `gnus-alias' for handling on-the-fly personality change)

- after `C-c C-c', it writes it's sent, but then opens Thunderbird!?

I'll have a look at these features.

Best regards,

Sébastien Vauban

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