I have taken a reverse approach, even with no collaboration.
I write the source code in pure $LANGUAGE (fortran 90 for now) and
add comments in org-mode syntax with a special header:
in prog.f90
!!subroutine compute
! This subroutine performs a task
subroutine compute(myarg)
integer, intent(in) :: myarg
write(*,*) myarg
end subroutine compute
get translated by a script to
** subroutine compute
This subroutine performs a task
#begin_src f90
subroutine compute(myarg)
integer, intent(in) :: myarg
write(*,*) myarg
end subroutine compute
which can be exported with the language font locking of emacs in html
via orgmode. It gives me a typeset documentation from my source code
I think that a feature similar to C-' in org-mode would be wonderful:
I could edit my "pure" f90 program and edit my comment blocks in org-
Le 3 déc. 10 à 09:25, Eric S Fraga a écrit :
"I.S." <inquisitive.scient...@gmail.com> writes:
Dear Experts,
I think org-babel is great and use it when I can. But on larger
projects where some people are not emacs users, it may not be
for the master file to be an org-mode file.
Do you have any suggestions on using literate programming techniques
when the source code must be in a .py file?
One thing I have tried is switching to org-mode when I want to write
comments, create links, etc. and do that in org-mode and then switch
back to python mode. This actually works reasonably well but it's
annoying to switch modess.
Any better ideas?
This probably is not going to help you but I have the same problem.
What I do, *when* the project is one in which I am the main lead,
is to
keep using org mode, without switching modes, but when I need to share
something with my collaborator, I *tangle* all the code and send him
both the code and the org document. This means that he can run the
code. However, the code has no comments in it...
Of course, incorporating any changes my collaborator makes back
into the
org document is annoying but manageable.
: Eric S Fraga (GnuPG: 0xC89193D8FFFCF67D) in Emacs 23.2.1
: using Org-mode version 7.3 (release_7.3.169.g0d0e)
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