If your collaborators don't mind the existence of some Org-mode specific
comments in the .py file, you can tangle with comments on and then use
the `org-babel-detangle' function to bring changes in the source file
back into your Org-mode buffer.  In this way it should be possible for
you to collaborate without leaving Org-mode.

Best -- Eric

Eric S Fraga <e.fr...@ucl.ac.uk> writes:

> "I.S." <inquisitive.scient...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Dear Experts,
>> I think org-babel is great and use it when I can. But on larger
>> projects where some people are not emacs users, it may not be feasible
>> for the master file to be an org-mode file.
>> Do you have any suggestions on using literate programming techniques
>> when the source code must be in a .py file?
>> One thing I have tried is switching to org-mode when I want to write
>> comments, create links, etc. and do that in org-mode and then switch
>> back to python mode. This actually works reasonably well but it's
>> annoying to switch modess.
>> Any better ideas?
> This probably is not going to help you but I have the same problem.
> What I do, *when* the project is one in which I am the main lead, is to
> keep using org mode, without switching modes, but when I need to share
> something with my collaborator, I *tangle* all the code and send him
> both the code and the org document.  This means that he can run the
> code.  However, the code has no comments in it...
> Of course, incorporating any changes my collaborator makes back into the
> org document is annoying but manageable.

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