Am 28.11.2010 20:29, schrieb Nick Dokos:
Eric S Fraga<>  wrote:

I generate results for a number (looks like 99 times from the results)
Looks like 129 times from the results below.

of 'n' moves through my agenda, including going through a few days from
today forwards.  I get the following:

| org-agenda-later                     4           2.319228      0.579807
| org-agenda-redo                      4           2.319001      0.57975025
| org-agenda-list                      5           1.907568      0.3815136
| org-agenda-get-day-entries           99          1.7082340000  0.0172548888
| org-agenda-to-appt                   4           1.170569      0.29264225
| org-agenda                           1           1.161838      1.161838
| org-let                              4           1.145839      0.28645975
| org-agenda-get-scheduled             99          0.8759350000  0.0088478282
| org-prepare-agenda                   5           0.8665130000  0.1733026000
| org-prepare-agenda-buffers           9           0.721267      0.0801407777
| org-agenda-next-line                 129         0.6453539999  0.0050027441

Are you leaning on the "n" key? It's probably better to press it a given
number of times instead. Or is it the case that the delay you and Rainer
see *only* exhibits itself on auto-repeat? If the latter, then it might
very well be the case that X is the culprit (or the emacs display engine
or who knows what else).

The org-agenda-next-line time per call is about 4x what I get on my
system (where I have not seen the problem), so I assume that you will
also probably get the 50x (or so) slowdown on your office system that
Rainer got.

Now, this is on my home system on which the response is actually
perfectly fine!  It is on my work system where the response is slow so I
will repeat this on Tuesday if I get a chance.  My home machine is
actually slower than my office system *but* my office system is using a
less effective X window system graphics driver so the current view that
font-locking may have something to do with the problem could be
consistent with this.

Actually, I'm not sure it has anything to do with font-lock: I got some
font-lock results in my initial profile (for unknown reasons - I hadn't
added font-lock to the elp list afaik, but I may have done something
stupid), and Manuel Hermenegildo chimed in with a problem that he has
had for a while: there is a suspected font-lock connection there and
Manuel posted a workaround for this problem[fn:1], but afaik this
problem is not related to that one.

The main thing to check in this problem case is whether the time that
org-agenda-next-line takes is roughly the same as the time that
next-line itself takes. There is somewhat indirect evidence that that is
the case, but we need to make sure. I asked Rainer to add next-line to
the elp list with M-x elp-instrument-function<RET>  next-line<RET>, but
I haven't heard any results yet.


[fn:1] I don't remember who posted the workaround originally and haven't
gone back to check.


I tried with pressing "n" step by step 10 times, so no leaning on the "n" key:

org-agenda-next-line                                          10          
0.3139999999  0.0314
next-line                                                     10          
0.3139999999  0.0314
org-detach-overlay                                            12          0.0   
org-agenda-post-command-hook                                  12          0.0   
org-agenda-do-context-action                                  10          0.0   
org-get-at-bol                                                10          0.0   
org-unhighlight                                               12          0.0   
font-lock-mode                                                1           0.0   
font-lock-default-function                                    1           0.0   

I see no change. Emacs is on Windows XP.


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