Rainer Stengele <rainer.steng...@diplan.de> wrote:

> I tried with pressing "n" step by step 10 times, so no leaning on the "n" key:
> org-agenda-next-line                                          10          
> 0.3139999999  0.0314
> next-line                                                     10          
> 0.3139999999  0.0314
> org-detach-overlay                                            12          0.0 
>           0.0
> org-agenda-post-command-hook                                  12          0.0 
>           0.0
> org-agenda-do-context-action                                  10          0.0 
>           0.0
> org-get-at-bol                                                10          0.0 
>           0.0
> org-unhighlight                                               12          0.0 
>           0.0
> font-lock-mode                                                1           0.0 
>           0.0
> font-lock-default-function                                    1           0.0 
>           0.0
> I see no change. Emacs is on Windows XP.

OK - next-line is indeed taking up all the time (but the exact equality
and the 0.0 times make me wonder about the clock resolution on this
platform and how reliable elp is here), so, unless there is some
backdoor connection, these delays have nothing to do with org - it's
emacs itself which is slow: 31ms per call is not as slow as it was
yesterday, but it's still 25x what I see.

Eric, do you encounter this problem on Emacs/Windows XP as well? Has
anybody encountered this problem on anything *but* Emacs/Windows XP?

Rainer, if you'd like to continue the exercise, maybe the thing to do is
to profile functions that next-line calls and get another profile. The
only other function that seems likely to take up time is line-move, so
you might proceed like this:

Set up a minimal emacs so that you don't have to retype everything
over and over. Something like the following, where I assume you use
org-install to initialize org - you'll also have to change the load-path
and the list of org-agenda-files to suit your situation:

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/org-mode/lisp")
(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.\\(org\\|org_archive\\|txt\\)$" . org-mode))
(require 'org-install)
(require 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-cl" 'org-store-link)
(global-set-key "\C-ca" 'org-agenda)
(global-set-key "\C-cr" 'elp-results)

(elp-instrument-list '(org-agenda-next-line next-line line-move))
(setq org-agenda-files '("~/lib/org/work.org" "~/lib/org/home.org"))
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

Save it in a file called minimal.emacs and then say

     emacs -Q --load minimal.emacs

You should get an agenda - press "n" a dozen times, and then C-c r
to get the results. You can add more functions to the list above
(the next few candidates are line-move-partial, line-move-visual,
line-move-1). Assuming that you get consistent results implicating
these, I suspect that the thing to do is to post your findings in
an emacs forum or open an emacs bug report.

I haven't gone back to check your original emails, but is there
a particular version of emacs that exhibits this problem? Is there
a version that does *not* exhibit it? When exactly did you start
noticing this behavior (relative to emacs updates etc)?


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