> Let's say one wants to number the lists using prime numbers. So one
> could have two lists.
> # list1 (may be generated programmatically)
> 1. 2
> 2. 3
> 3. 5
> 4. 7
> 5. 11
> 6. 13
> # list2 (user-typed)
> 1. Carsten
> 2. Bastien
> 3. Eric Schulte
> 4. Dan Davison
> 5. Eric S Faga
> 6. Samuel Wales 
> and juxtapose them together to get a custom numbering as follows
> 2. Carsten
> 3. Bastien
> 5. Eric Schulte
> 7. Dan Davison
> 11. Eric S Faga
> 13. Samuel Wales

May be the juxtaposition happens as overlays. So basically the custom
bullets (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 etc) are overlays over 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 etc
so that Org still recognize them as lists.

Apologies for being so gross.

To summarize, what I am really thinking is this:

1. Use C-c C-c (org-dwim) with a prefix modifier key that makes it
2. The custom dwim pops up an easy menu that is context dependent. For
   example, for the list case it could offer a choice of numbering
   styles - alphabetical, subsection etc.
3. Make Babel recognize implicit arguments and results. So when on a
   Orgmode list (or when the active region is a Ormode list), Babel
   creates a virtual 'input' var that represents the textual list and
   does 'replace-region' for the results block. So there is no more
   '#+results' that the user sees in the text document
4. The easy menu keys in (2) maps to 'library of babel' calls that
   behave as in (3) which creates needed overlays.
5. Make the exporters (specifically the ASCII exporter) to use overlays
   to emit the custom-styled lists.

The above idea is more or less along the lines that I exchanges with you
a few months back where I (tried) articulating the idea of Babel as 'a
text manipulator' of Orgmode entities like headlines etc.

Jambunathan K.

> All this with a C-c C-c on list2.
> What this example does is essentially relate a 'list of styles' to a
> 'list of text elements' and create a 'custom-styled list'.
> Jambunathan K.
>> Jambunathan K.
>>> This is just a quick first pass at this functionality, there are still
>>> some unanswered questions, such as if and how code blocks should
>>> differentiate between ordered and unordered lists (ordered get an index
>>> for each item?), how nested lists should be represented etc...
>>> Best -- Eric
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