Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I've just pushed up a small commit (including minimal documentation)
>> which teaches code blocks how to read and write Org-mode lists.  The
>> following example should demonstrate the new behavior.
>> #+results: a-list
>> - org-mode
>> - and
>> - babel
>> #+source: a-list
>> #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var lst=a-list :results list
>>   (reverse lst)
>> #+end_src
> Why not call the underlying type an 'orglist'. One can for example think
> of orgpropeties etc etc.

I was just thinking that list is simpler and shorter, we need not prefix
everything in the Org domain with the prefix org.  Is there a regular
list that you are concerned this name will conflate with.

> Btw, for the sake of illustration, how would one convert a numbered list
> to an alphabetical list or an unordered list. Convert some thing like
> 1. One
>    1. OneOne
> 3. Two
> 4. Three
> to 
> - One
>   - One
> - Two
> - Three
> or 
> 1. One
>    1.1 OneOne
> 2. Two
> 3. Three
> C-c C-c on a list currently renumbers the list which I find quite
> useful. May be there is a way to 'rebind' it so that it not only
> renumbers but renumbers with a different style (that the user is
> comfortable with). Think 'replace-region' for example.

I haven't thought of how these `meta' or `style' properties of lists
should be represented, I am hoping that some good ideas for this will
come from the list (the mailing list).

The most obvious solution seems to be a new header argument
":list-style" or somesuch, which could take options for all org-mode
list style types.  The backend uses the `org-list-to-generic' function
which already exists inside of Org-mode and has a great deal of options
so ideally any solution will serve as a thin layer to pass options
directly from the user through to this function.  The main question is
"what's the best syntax".

Thanks -- Eric

> Jambunathan K.
>> This is just a quick first pass at this functionality, there are still
>> some unanswered questions, such as if and how code blocks should
>> differentiate between ordered and unordered lists (ordered get an index
>> for each item?), how nested lists should be represented etc...
>> Best -- Eric
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