Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:

> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>> Jambunathan K <kjambunat...@gmail.com> writes:
>>> "Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Phil Hagelberg recently introduced me to epresent.el by Tom Tromey.
>>>> It's a very nice little utility for giving presentations using Emacs as
>>>> the display engine.  Obviously I was aghast to learn that epresent
>>>> didn't work with Org-mode documents.  I took the liberty of reworking it
>>>> so that it runs off of Org-mode documents and uses Org-mode both to
>>>> structure the presentation and to handle most of the fancy display
>>>> elements.
>>>> This re-working was mainly a series of quick hacks, and is certainly not
>>>> "mature" in any way.  But I think it is usable in it's current state for
>>>> running simple presentations, and thought it may be interesting or of
>>>> use to people here.  If you're interested check out the example
>>>> presentation included in the source code repository.
>>>> http://github.com/eschulte/epresent
>>>> (instructions in the README)
>>> I think (require 'org-exp) is required.
>> do you know what for?
> This is the trace I got otherwise. (See the trace at the end of the mail)

Thanks, It's now requiring org-exp and org-latex.

>>> Looks like it walks you through the headline one at a time and
>>> presents the entry contents as such.
>> yes
> And it fontifies the headlines in bold fonts just as in slides (actually
> too big for my NetBook).

in newer Emacs C-- and C-+ should be usable to adjust the font sizes.

> Yesterday when I did a quick run the presentation was insipid and I
> didn't get to see the big slide-like fonts. Honestly, I was a bit
> surprised at why others were wowing. 
> I ran the presentation today right after also doing a C-c C-e d (for
> verifying Thomas' bug report on LaTeX internal links) and I see the
> altered behaviour. I do think it is pretty impressive.
> I think loading the org-latex.el makes this difference.
>>> When I get to the equations slide what should I expect to see? The
>>> equation fully rendered (as in text books) or just the markup (as it is
>>> literally typed).
>> I see an image overlay of the latex fragment.  Is that not what you see?
> No I don't see any overlays. I will investigate the problem sometime
> later. Possible that it has something to do with ltxpng or missing image
> libraries.

hmm, this uses the same machinery used to display latex previews in
regular Org-mode buffers (callable with C-c C-x C-l), so if that works
this should work, and vice versa, but I believe this does require some
special commands be available on your system (e.g. dvipng).

Best -- Eric

> Jambunathan K.

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