"Eric Schulte" <schulte.e...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi,
> Phil Hagelberg recently introduced me to epresent.el by Tom Tromey.
> It's a very nice little utility for giving presentations using Emacs as
> the display engine.  Obviously I was aghast to learn that epresent
> didn't work with Org-mode documents.  I took the liberty of reworking it
> so that it runs off of Org-mode documents and uses Org-mode both to
> structure the presentation and to handle most of the fancy display
> elements.
> This re-working was mainly a series of quick hacks, and is certainly not
> "mature" in any way.  But I think it is usable in it's current state for
> running simple presentations, and thought it may be interesting or of
> use to people here.  If you're interested check out the example
> presentation included in the source code repository.
> http://github.com/eschulte/epresent
> (instructions in the README)

I think (require 'org-exp) is required.

Looks like it walks you through the headline one at a time and presents
the entry contents as such.

When I get to the equations slide what should I expect to see? The
equation fully rendered (as in text books) or just the markup (as it is
literally typed).

Jambunathan K.

> Best -- Eric
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