I moved ":htmlized-source" to the bottom of the project definition and
it fixed the problem.

In the examples I've seen, ":htmlized-source" has an empty value. I
hypothesize the key was seeing the next key as a value, and so wasn't
picking up any subsequent keys.

I just loaded my publishing setup from a few days ago and edited every
line that had ":htmlized-source" to ":htmlized-source t" and my
problem is solved.

Thanks so much for the help! Even if it didn't help discover the
problem, I learned a good bit about debugging, and I edited my first
source file, so that's something to be proud of! :-)


On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:23 AM, Jeff Horn <jrhorn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (We had a bit of discussion off list. I had a fresh crack at the
> problem this morning, so I'm copying the list on this message.)
>>    (setq tmp-pub-dir
>>          (file-name-directory
>>           (concat pub-dir
>>                   (and (string-match (regexp-quote base-dir) ftname)
>>                        (substring ftname (match-end 0))))))
>> ;;; add a debug call, reeavaluate the function, do the publish and when
>> ;;; you are dumped into the debugger, say e project-plist <RET> and see
>> ;;; what :table-of-contents is set to. If it's what it's supposed to be,
>> ;;; continue execution with c and look at the html file, both contents
>> ;;; and modification time. If it's still wrong in terms of contents but
>> ;;; right in terms of modification time, there is something wrong with
>> ;;; the publishing function: you might want to step through it with
>> ;;; edebug, checking things along the way.
>>    (debug)
>> ;;;^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> I was stopping the debug process after pressing "R project-plist RET".
> I've finished stepping through the project with "c" and the
> project-plist contains the right project at every step, with the right
> settings, ":table-of-contents nil" and ":section-numbers nil". The
> file modification times are correct, but the content is wrong. There
> are section numbers, a table of contents, and the file lacks my
> defined linked style sheet.
> Could you walk me through "edebug"? Simply replace "(debug)" above
> with "(edebug)" didn't do the trick.
> Thanks!
> Jeff
> --
> Jeffrey Horn
> Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
> George Mason University
> (704) 271-4797
> jh...@gmu.edu
> jrhorn...@gmail.com

Jeffrey Horn
Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
George Mason University

(704) 271-4797

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