I've managed to push the extra source files out with the org-static
configuration found at worg.[1]

But now, for some reason, I've lost all my options (no TOC, no section
numbers, custom stylesheet, etc). Anyone care to look at my config
off-list and offer advice?

I'm beginning to think it's something silly like an unescaped
quotation mark, but I've looked at every simple solution I can think


    [1] http://orgmode.org/worg/org-tutorials/org-publish-html-tutorial.php

On Mon, Oct 11, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Jeff Horn <jrhorn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm trying to set up an org project to publish my personal website. I
> like to use friendly urls, like the one below.
> http://www.example.tld/jeff/teaching/2010/fall/econ101/index.html
> My publishing set up is a bit of a mess, with a project handling the
> root, the "jeff" subdirectory, and one handling the "teaching"
> sub-sub-directory. I have ":recursive t" set on the teaching
> directory, since I don't want to define a new project for every course
> I teach. So far, publishing works as intended, except that the
> ".../econ101/img/" subdirectory contents aren't copied to the
> publishing directory. Switching on ":base-extension "any"" doesn't fix
> this (in fact, it prevents the project from being published at all).
> The relevant portion of my project:
> ("teaching"
>         :base-directory "~/org/ftr/jeff/teaching/"
>         :publishing-directory "~/Sites/FTR/jeff/teaching"
>         :publishing-function (org-publish-org-to-html
> org-publish-org-to-org org-publish-org-to-pdf org-publish-attachment)
>         :recursive t
>         :style-include-default nil
>         ;; :base-extension "any"
>         )
> In the ".../econ101/syllabus.org" file, an inline image calls
> [[./img/example.jpg]]. The "img" directory exists in my source
> directory. The directory is copied to my publishing directory, but not
> the files within the directory. I noticed also that emacs tried to
> open an "example.jpg" buffer, which I thought was weird.
> Thanks for taking the time to read and respond.
> Best regards,
> Jeff
> --
> Jeffrey Horn
> Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
> George Mason University
> (704) 271-4797
> jh...@gmu.edu
> jrhorn...@gmail.com

Jeffrey Horn
Graduate Lecturer and PhD Student in Economics
George Mason University

(704) 271-4797

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