David Abrahams <d...@boostpro.com> writes:

> Hi All,
> I have to reschedule quite a few items daily.  Often they're
> yesterday's items that I need to reschedule for today.  
>   `C-c C-s . RET' 
> is a bit much typing for that, so I re-bound `S' to
> org-agenda-schedule.  But 
>   `S . RET' 
> is still a bit much.  I'd like it if the default when rescheduling was
> always for today, instead of the date the item is already scheduled
> for, so I could 
>   `S RET'
> in the usual case.  What about a customizable option to set the
> default schedule-for date?

Hi David,

Why are you rescheduling items everyday?  That seems like a lot of
overhead to me.  What's wrong with leaving the item on the first
scheduled date and just allow the agenda to show how many days it has
already been scheduled for -- until you mark it DONE?

Alternatively if it's a repeating task, you can use a single day
repeater and just mark the item DONE to move it to the next day.

One thing I've been trying to do is minimize the amount of time I spend
on overhead stuff for my tasks and trading that for time I actually do
work on completing the tasks instead.


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