On 12 Jul 2010 09:49:29 +0200, "Sven Bretfeld" <sven.bretf...@gmx.ch> wrote:
> Hi Eric
> Thank you very much for the script and the idea. I'm a fan of MobileOrg
> for Android, but the diary functions are not convenient to deal with at
> the moment. So I adopted your method for date handling. Some
> observations:
> 1. wget doesn't overwrite an older basic.ics laying in the same folder.
>    Instead it names the files of further downloads to basic.ics.1,
>    basic.ics.2 and so on. Therefore I added an additional line (rm $ICS)
>    to your shell-script (not the awk-script, but the one with the
>    automatized procedure you sent in a previous posting):

Yes, you are completely correct.  I trimmed down my own shell script a
bit too much.  I do have a "rm ${ICS}" command just before the
wget...  Sorry about that.

> 2. Running the above script with cron, makes Emacs continually ask if
>    googlecalendar.org should really be edited, because the file had
>    changed on disk. So I put the whole thing into an Emacs function:

I think somebody else has already suggested auto-revert-mode, which is
what I use so I don't see this happening at all.

Anyway, hope it continues to work for you and please do give any other
feedback you may have.

Eric S Fraga
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