On Mar 27, 2010, at 2:11 PM, Michael Brand wrote:

Are there reasons to only narrow but not to widen columns?
I think this is really the only thing that makes sense.  Why would
you want it any wider, given the limited amount of screen real
estate we have here?  I don't think it would be difficult to make
it behave the way you request, but I don't think I would ever
use widening fields.  When would you want to use this?

I see, there _are_ reasons for `maximum width' (and other variants would be only additional if ever).

The variant `fixed width' can be useful for the following timetable. Here it is achieved with the field content
`<=      widen'
in the last row.

several columns with the same width:

|       | Mon       | Tue       | Wed       | Thu       | Fri       |
|  8:15 | Math      | Compute=> | -         | Math      | Compute=> |
| 13:15 | -         | Math      | Compute=> | -         | Math      |
| /     | <9>       | <9>       | <9>       | <9>       | <9>       |
| /     | <=     => | <=     => | <=     => | <=     => | <=     => |

instead of:

|       | Mon  | Tue          | Wed          | Thu  | Fri          |
|  8:15 | Math | Computer S=> | -            | Math | Computer S=> |
| 13:15 | -    | Math         | Computer S=> | -    | Math         |
| /     |      | <12>         | <12>         |      | <12>         |

or even:

| Mon |  8:15 | Math             |
| Tue |  8:15 | Computer Science |
| Tue | 13:15 | Math             |
| Wed | 13:15 | Computer Science |
| Thu |  8:15 | Math             |
| Fri |  8:15 | Computer Science |
| Fri | 13:15 | Math             |

Yes, thinking more about it, I do agree that a fixed width makes a lot of sense as the application of <N>. It does now work like this.


- Carsten

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