On Fri, 19 Mar 2010 23:00:23 +0100, David Maus <dm...@ictsoc.de> wrote:
> Hello all,
> Carving another stone that might fit into the cathedral known as
> Emacs/Orgmode I am glad to present attached file org-atom.el that
> provides an exporting and a publishing function to create atom feeds
> based on Org files.
> To use org-atom.el you need the library atom-syndication.el, an


a simple point: I added (require 'org-atom) to my initialisation file
and Emacs fails starting up with:

| Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable 
|   byte-code("���...@�>��      C\"\nA��*��!�" 
[org-atom-infile-options opt --cl-dolist-temp-- 
org-export-inbuffer-options-extra nil append provide org-atom] 4)
|   require(org-atom)

What dependencies are there that I should have satisfied before the
require statement above?  I guess, from the error message, that it's
something to do with cl...  you may wish to ensure the appropriate
libraries are required by your code.

Still working otherwise!

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