Hello all, Carving another stone that might fit into the cathedral known as Emacs/Orgmode I am glad to present attached file org-atom.el that provides an exporting and a publishing function to create atom feeds based on Org files.
To use org-atom.el you need the library atom-syndication.el, an elisp implementation of the atom syndication format that can be found in it's github repository. http://github.com/dmj/atom-syndication/ Below you'll find a reduced ascii export of org-atom's project page (currently at http://ictsoc.de/code/org-atom.html) that gives a brief explanation of how to setup Org files for feed export. Although both, atom-syndication.el and org-atom.el, are not quite finshed yet, I decided to make the community aware of org-atom in the hope some might try it out and give some feedback and ideas how to extend org-atom's functionality. My personal goal for org-atom is to make use of all functionality that the atom syndication format provides: E.g. what popped into my mind is that having an atom feed for Worg, especially the hacking-section would be incredible. Anyway: If you try org-atom and create feeds I'd like you to ask to validate the feeds even if your feed reader accepts it. Validating the feed can be achived in two ways: - use the w3c feed validator at http://validator.w3.org/feed/ It will not just validate the feed but also provide an short summary why a feed is not valid (if so) and suggestions on how to improve the feed. - use nxml-mode with the Relax NG Compact Syntax Grammar The syntax grammar is shipped with atom-syndication.el in the file atom-syndication.rnc. Just open the feed file, maybe turn on nxml mode (M-x nxml-mode RET) and set the scheme file to atom-syndication.rnc (M-x rng-set-schema-file-and-validate RET /path/to/atom-syndication.rnc RET) And here's the brief summary of the functions: Publish atom feeds based on Org files ===================================== Author: David Maus <dm...@ictsoc.de> Date: 2010-03-19 22:23:01 CET Table of Contents ================= 1 About 2 Exporting and publishing 2.1 New infile export options 2.2 Mapping of other Org entities to atom metadata elements 2.3 Exporting a single Org file 2.4 Publishing a feed for multiple files in a publishing project 1 About ~~~~~~~~ This addon for Emacs Org mode, an Emacs Mode for Notes, Project Planning, and Authoring, provides export and publishing functions to create an atom feed based on Org files. This file provides some information on the concept, the state of implementation and a maybe some ideas how to extend the exporter. 2 Exporting and publishing ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2.1 New infile export options ============================== =#+FEED_URL=: URL of the published feed. This option MUST be present when exporting an Org file using =org-export-as-atom=. =#+FEED_CONTENT_URL=: URL of the published html file. When exporting an Org file using =org-export-as-atom= and the customization variable =org-atom-publish-content= is not set, this option MUST be present. =#+FEED_ID=: Unique identifier of the feed. If not set, the feed url is used as id. =#+FEED_MAP_ENTRIES=: A TAGS/PROP/TODO query that matches entry headlines. If not set, all headlines are exported as atom entries. 2.2 Mapping of other Org entities to atom metadata elements ============================================================ In addition org-atom maps other Org mode entities to atom metadata elements. Following table provides a comprehensive list of all currently supported metadata elements and their mapped Org entities. 2.2.1 atom:feed metadata ------------------------- Element Description Org entity ------------------------+---------------------------------+------------------------------------- atom:author name name of author #+AUTHOR atom:generator name name of generator const: `org-atom-generator-name' atom:generator version version of generator const: `org-atom-generator-version' atom:id unique id of feed #+FEED_ID atom:link rel="self" link to the published feed #+FEED_URL atom:updated time when feed was updated (current-time) on export atom:subtitle subtitle or description of feed #+DESCRIPTION atom:title title of feed #+TITLE 2.2.2 atom:entry metadata -------------------------- Element Description Org entity ---------------------------+-------------------------------+--------------------------------------------- atom:author name name of author #+AUTHOR atom:content content of feed entry subtree of feed headline atom:id unique id of entry ID property atom:link rel="alternate" link to entry content #+FEED_CONTENT_URL atom:published time when entry was published property `org-atom-published-property-name' atom:title entry title headline title w/o TODO keywords and tags atom:updated time when entry was updated property `org-atom-updated-property-name' 2.3 Exporting a single Org file ================================ A minimal setup of an Org file that will be published as atom feed could look like this: ,---- | #+TITLE: Example file for feed export | #+AUTHOR: John Doe | #+EMAIL: j...@example.tld | # | #+FEED_URL: http://example.tld/~john/ | #+FEED_CONTENT_URL: http://example.tld/~john/news.html | #+FEED_ID: a20d6ebc-7bab-4307-8b1c-7e29ac49bf66 | #+FEED_MAP_ENTRIES: LEVEL=2 | # | | * This entry is not exported as feed | | * Everything below this is! | | ** Breaking news: Org now publishes atom feeds! | :PROPERTIES: | :ID: ca13acc9-c14c-4707-b0e9-7f35687a4473 | :Created: [2010-03-19 Fr 15:55] | :END: | | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean | commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus | et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam | felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla | consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet | nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, | venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis | pretium. `---- Calling =org-export-as-atom= on this file produces an atom feed: ,---- | <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"><title>Example file for feed export</title> | <generator version="0.1beta">Org/Atom</generator> | <id>urn:uuid:a20d6ebc-7bab-4307-8b1c-7e29ac49bf66</id> | <updated>2010-03-19T22:13:30+01:00</updated> | <link href="http://example.tld/~john/" rel="self" /> | <author><name>John Doe</name></author> | <entry><published>2010-03-19T15:55:00+01:00</published> | <content type="html"><div id="outline-container-1" class="outline-3"> | <h3 id="sec-1"><a name="ID-ca13acc9-c14c-4707-b0e9-7f35687a4473" id="ID-ca13acc9-c14c-4707-b0e9-7f35687a4473"></a>Breaking news: Org now publishes atom feeds! </h3> | <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1"> | | | <p> | Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean | commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus | et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam | felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla | consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet | nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, | venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis | pretium. | </p></div> | </div> | </content> | <link href="http://example.tld/~john/news.html#ca13acc9-c14c-4707-b0e9-7f35687a4473" rel="alternate" /> | <title type="html"> | <p>Breaking news: Org now publishes atom feeds! | </p></title> | <updated>2010-03-19T15:55:00+01:00</updated> | <id>urn:uuid:ca13acc9-c14c-4707-b0e9-7f35687a4473</id></entry></feed> `---- 2.4 Publishing a feed for multiple files in a publishing project ================================================================= To publish a feed for multiple Org files in a publishing project org-atom provides the function =org-atom-publish-feed-index= that can be plugged in a project's publishing alist as the =:index-function=: ,---- | (setq org-publish-project-alist | '( | ... | ("news-feed" | :base-directory "~/website/" | :base-extension "org" | :publishing-directory "~/website/" | ;; new property :publishing-url | :publishing-url "http://example.tld/~john/" | :auto-index t | :index-filename "news.atom" | :index-title "News feed for j...@example.tld" | :index-function org-atom-publish-feed-index | ;; feed specific settings | :feed-id "6ea57592-69f2-4ef8-b44d-b7a511bd2fe8") | ... | )) `---- Please note the new publishing property =:publishing-url=: Instead of setting the feed url (=:feed-url=) in this alist and the content urls in each file =:publishing-url= is used to derive the url of the feed (assuming the feed is published under the same url) and the content url of the files. Running =org-publish= lets =org-atom-publish-feed-index= interate over all files in the project alist and create a combined feed for all entries of all processed files. -- David -- OpenPGP... 0x99ADB83B5A4478E6 Jabber.... dmj...@jabber.org Email..... dm...@ictsoc.de
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