On Mar 5, 2010, at 10:07 AM, Stefan Vollmar wrote:


we proudly present:

"Emacs Org-mode: Organizing a Scientist's Life and Work"

a talk by Carsten Dominik presented on February 8th 2010
at our institute. The recording of the talk is available here:


Warm regards,
-- Dr. Stefan Vollmar, Dipl.-Phys.
Head of IT group
Max-Planck-Institut für neurologische Forschung
Gleuelerstr. 50, 50931 Köln, Germany
Tel.: +49-221-4726-213  FAX +49-221-4726-298
Tel.: +49-221-478-5713  Mobile: 0160-93874279
Email: voll...@nf.mpg.de   http://www.nf.mpg.de

Aloha Stefan,

Thanks for the recording. You've done a wonderful job integrating the lecture with the slides and the questions following. As a viewer, I felt I hadn't missed a thing.

I'm not sure what to make of Carsten's statement about himself at the beginning: "I'm not a programmer." I wish I were half the programmer Carsten isn't!

All the best,

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