On Mar 7, 2010, at 7:51 PM, Manuel Amador wrote:
Can we get a copy of the color configuration you are using?
-- Manuel
Yes, I have put my color config here:
This started as a copy of Peter Jones config and was then edited and
hacked - which is why it may not be in the most convenient shape.
Feel free to package it up nicely and send me a better version.
You also need something like this, adapted to your todo keywords.
(setq org-todo-keyword-faces
'(("SDMB" . cd-org-someday-kwd-face)
("STARTED" . cd-org-started-kwd-face)
("STRT" . cd-org-started-kwd-face)
("WAITING" . cd-org-waiting-kwd-face)
("WAIT" . cd-org-waiting-kwd-face)
("DELG" . cd-org-delegated-kwd-face)
("PROJ" . cd-org-project-kwd-face)
("DONE" . cd-org-done-kwd-face)
("PRDN" . cd-org-done-kwd-face)
("PRCL" . cd-org-cancelled-kwd-face)
("CNCL" . cd-org-cancelled-kwd-face)
("PRCN" . cd-org-cancelled-kwd-face)
("TODO" . cd-org-todo-kwd-face)
("SELECTED" . cd-org-todo-kwd-face)
("INVITED" . cd-org-waiting-kwd-face)
("SCHEDULED" . cd-org-done-kwd-face)
("DECLINED" . cd-org-cancelled-kwd-face)))
- Carsten
On Sun, Mar 7, 2010 at 7:39 AM, Carsten Dominik
<carsten.domi...@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mar 7, 2010, at 1:50 PM, Tom wrote:
Stefan Vollmar <vollmar <at> nf.mpg.de> writes:
we proudly present:
"Emacs Org-mode: Organizing a Scientist's Life and Work"
I noticed the org color config in the talk was much
catchier (e.g. the keywords with bgcolor) than in the default org
config. It would be a good idea to make org more appealing by
coming up with a sexier color scheme. The appearance of org on
the main page of orgmode.org is very spartan and can be a turn
off for newbies who are used to applications with a more
elaborate visual design.
I think a better choice of default colors could improve the first
impression a bit. Maybe people could send to the list screenshots
of their config and one of the better ones could be used as a new
The problem I see here is that if a new user downloads Emacs,
it will have white background and only default colors.
I could of course make the screenshot on orgmode.org with my
color scheme[1], but then new users would not like the first
impression they get when they download emacs and install Org.
I am interested in a discussion about how to handle this issue.
- Carsten
[1] The color scheme is based on the scheme by Peter Jones, who
in particular came up with the idea to make the TODO keywords look
like buttons. I use that idea, but with different colors. The
exact colors were not my creation, because I am really not
in this area. But I agree they look great - they were selected
by the same designer who created the special logo used on all
our spreadshirt shop items...
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- Carsten
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