Stupid question 9but I could not answer it)

I have to set up

(add-to-list 'org-export-latex-classes


Or I have to imput another .el which sets org-export-latex-classes correctly?

I sue the latest git version of org-mode 6.33trans and
I tried to use the example but I couldn't


2009/12/4 Eric S Fraga <>:
> At Thu, 3 Dec 2009 17:10:44 +0100,
> Carsten Dominik wrote:
>> after carefully listening to all your comments and thinking
>> things through more thoroughly, here is now my second attempt
>> to define beamer support in Org-mode.
> Carsten,
> Thanks for this!  After learning a bit about git branches (more than I
> probably wanted to know ;-) and a bit more about org mode columns
> view, I can say that I like what you have done.  I've been playing
> with your sample file for a short while and it looks a good design
> which seems to support everything /I/ would want and does so in an
> easy way (especially the combination of the new C-c C-b special
> org-beamer command and columns view).
> I've run into a few niggles but I need to play some more (probably
> over the weekend) to see whether some of them are my fault or due to
> bugs in the code.  However, some immediate niggles or suggestions are:
> - I need to be able to specify arguments for columns (i.e. the
>  environment, not specific columns), specifically
>  often [t] to make two columns align vertically
> - I don't understand what the difference between opt and envargs is.
>  In fact, I see no reference to BEAMER_opt in the document you wrote
>  yet your example has opt as one of the column view specifications.
> - it would be nice if when a column heading is also a block heading,
>  that the tags generated (which, by the way, is a really nice
>  feature) include both block and column tags to make it easy to spot
>  the column aspect.
> You'll probably be hearing from me soon again!
> Oh, and thanks for the separate email showing me how to do my page 100
> with the new setup.  How to do it was actually quite clear from the
> example you gave in the other message.  Very straightforward and does
> work nicely.
> Thanks again,
> eric
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