On Dec 7, 2009, at 9:15 PM, JBash wrote:

This is not working quite right for me...
I pulled the latest beamer branch from git this morning and installed it. I am getting the export to latex, but no columns in the beamer (tex) and resulting pdf file. There is a title frame, a TOC (blank) frame, and then a single frame titled "This is the first structural section". All other elements are nested itemized lists on that single slide.

I manually copied the org-beamer.el file to my site-lisp area. Is that supposed to be installed along with the other org files?

I had also previously defined org-latex-export-classes, and have removed that from my .emacs file.

I am also seeing an unexpected error the *second* (and subsequent) time I export (without changes to the org file) to to PDFabout a column-width function:

Select command:
Exporting to PDF...
Exporting to LaTeX...
org-beamer-open-column: Symbol's function definition is void: org- beamer-add-units-to-column-width

Ah, I changed the name of this function, but not in all places, sorry about that.

Fixed now.

- Carsten

If I restart emacs, I can export again (1 time) without these errors.

If this points to something obvious in my configuration, please let me know. I suspect I have something strangely configured, as no one else is having these issues.


- Carsten

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