On Fri, 2009-11-20 at 08:28 +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:

> Hi Matt,
> personally, I never use visual-line-mode, mainly because cursor motion  
> becomes unpredictable to me (down doe not get me into the next line,  
> so for example keyboard macros are much harder to make to consistently).
> That said, I would expect that what you are describing should work,  
> and my memory is also that it used to work - after all, I implemented  
> not only line-prefix, but also wrap-prefix in org-indent-mode.  I am  
> quite sure that this used to work.
> I am not sure how to proceed.  Someone would have to bisect Emacs to  
> find which commit changed this behavior.   Or maybe at lease someone  
> can try with a vanilla 23.1 Emacs? If it works there, we might have  
> enough to file a bug report.

I just tried it on the ubuntu karmic emacs23 packages.  I get the same
behaviour i was seeing before.  In case my description is misleading, i
just made a couple of screenshots and posted them here: 
one shows some quick text when indent-mode is enabled, the other shows
it with indent-mode disabled. 

anyway if you have any ideas how i might help that'd be great --
bisecting the code is probably beyond what i can easily do but i could
try to dig around a bit somehow.  

thanks - i appreciate how much effort you put into this carsten! - 


Matt Price

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