On Thu, 2009-11-19 at 14:17 +0100, Carsten Dominik wrote:
> On Nov 18, 2009, at 9:07 PM, Matt Price wrote:
> > Are these two incompatible, or is there something wrong with my setup?
> > Using org-mode 6.33c and a recent emacs snapshot (20090909), turning
> > org-indent-mode on stops visual-line-mode from indenting properly.  As
> > soon as I turn org's intentation off, vusial-line-mode starts working
> > normally again.  I would *love* to have both of htese working properly
> > -- is there anything I can do?   
> I am not sure what you mean by "visual-mode indents properly".  I am  
> not using visual-line mode.  So you you describe better what visual  
> line mode does and what features of it exactly disappear when you turn  
> on org-mode?
sorry carsten.  also I think I should have said "wraps" rather than
Visual-line-mode is a replacement for longlines-mode; it soft-wraps text
at the screen boundary, and does a much better job than longlines-mode
did.  When I'm writing anything that's not code I rely on it entirely.
But I also *love* the new indent mode in org -- it's much easier for me
to see hierarchical relationships than it was in earlier versions
(thanks _very_ much for the new feature).  So I'd like to use them
together; but when org-indent-mode is turned on, visual-line-mode no
longer soft-wraps at all.  you can try it out with M-x visual-line-mode,
and the manual description is here:

Is that what you needed?  I'm not sure where the code for
visual-line-mode lives -- there isn't a visual-line.el anywhere that i
can find on my system.  Thanks much,


> - Carsten
> >
> > Thanks very much,
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > -- 
> > Matt Price
> > matt.pr...@utoronto.ca
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> - Carsten

Matt Price

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