Applied, thanks.
- Carsten
On Nov 12, 2009, at 8:06 PM, Charles Sebold wrote:
After discussing the problem briefly with Richard, I have a
suggested patch for org-mobile.el.
This will force checksums.dat to always be Unix line encoding.
--- a/lisp/org-mobile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-mobile.el
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ The table of checksums is written to the file
(files org-mobile-checksum-files)
entry file sum)
(with-temp-file sumfile
+ (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'undecided-unix nil)
(while (setq entry (pop files))
(setq file (car entry) sum (cdr entry))
(insert (format "%s %s\n" sum file))))))
He said he may update MobileOrg to handle other linefeed encodings,
but for the meantime this seems to work for me.
On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Charles Sebold <>
I wonder, does MobileOrg always expect Unix-style line feeds?
I ask because it seems to me as if, when I push from Emacs on
Windows, from then on every time I sync, I have to download and read
in every single org file. I have 20-30 org files and a couple of
them are over 200K so this takes a while.
If I take the same org files and push them from Linux, I have to
reread everything once, and then every sync from Linux after that
only seems to force it to reread the files that changed.
So, I'm wondering if it's not reading one of the files correctly:
checksums.dat, or one of the agenda files. I don't know enough
about the iPhone app source to figure that one out, but I could
think of workarounds for org-mobile.el if it always needs to produce
Unix-style files for pushing.
Charles Sebold
Ego delendus sum
Charles Sebold
Ego delendus sum
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- Carsten
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