After discussing the problem briefly with Richard, I have a suggested patch
for org-mobile.el.

This will force checksums.dat to always be Unix line encoding.

--- a/lisp/org-mobile.el
+++ b/lisp/org-mobile.el
@@ -409,6 +409,7 @@ The table of checksums is written to the file
     (files org-mobile-checksum-files)
     entry file sum)
     (with-temp-file sumfile
+      (set-buffer-file-coding-system 'undecided-unix nil)
       (while (setq entry (pop files))
     (setq file (car entry) sum (cdr entry))
     (insert (format "%s  %s\n" sum file))))))

He said he may update MobileOrg to handle other linefeed encodings, but for
the meantime this seems to work for me.

On Thu, Nov 12, 2009 at 11:47 AM, Charles Sebold <> wrote:

> I wonder, does MobileOrg always expect Unix-style line feeds?
> I ask because it seems to me as if, when I push from Emacs on Windows, from
> then on every time I sync, I have to download and read in every single org
> file.  I have 20-30 org files and a couple of them are over 200K so this
> takes a while.
> If I take the same org files and push them from Linux, I have to reread
> everything once, and then every sync from Linux after that only seems to
> force it to reread the files that changed.
> So, I'm wondering if it's not reading one of the files correctly:
> checksums.dat, or one of the agenda files.  I don't know enough about the
> iPhone app source to figure that one out, but I could think of workarounds
> for org-mobile.el if it always needs to produce Unix-style files for
> pushing.
> --
> Charles Sebold
> Ego delendus sum

Charles Sebold
Ego delendus sum
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