My eyes glazed over too much to comment directly on the documentation
wishlist thread, and I also saw someone having trouble with org-invoice.
More on the first issue in my next mail. 

This was very cool, as I hadn't heard of org-invoice before then.

So I cribbed and modified the org-invoice from the code example and
tried to make it work.  I guess it needs the CLOCKSUM properties
generated, which I don't quite know how to do, or something else I am
missing to generate the summaries.

Presentation-wise I have other issues with it, but I'll settle for
making it work first:

* Invoices
RATE: 40.00
** Client Foo 
*** DONE Built New Server for Production
    CLOSED: [2009-09-18 Fri 08:30]
    - State "DONE"       from "STARTED"    [2009-09-18 Fri 08:30]
    - State "STARTED"    from "STARTED"    [2009-09-18 Fri 07:00]
      CLOCK: [2009-09-18 Fri 07:00]--[2009-09-18 Fri 08:19] =>  1:19
    :Effort:   10
*** [2009-09-17 Thu] Meeting with Team to Design New System
    WORK: 3:00
**** Invoice
#+BEGIN: invoice
| Task / Date                            | Time | Price |
| DONE Built New Server for Production   | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Meeting with Team to Design New System | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Invoice                                | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Total:                                 | 0:00 |  0.00 |
* Client Bar 
RATE: 95.00
*** DONE [2008-01-01 Tue] Searched for Widgets on Google
    RATE: 25.00
    WORK: 20:00
*** [2008-01-02 Wed] Billed You for Taking a Nap
*** Invoice
#+BEGIN: invoice
| Task / Date                          | Time | Price |
| Tuesday, January 01, 2008            | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| DONE  Searched for Widgets on Google | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Wednesday, January 02, 2008          | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Billed You for Taking a Nap          | 0:00 |  0.00 |
| Total:                               | 0:00 |  0.00 |


Dave Taht

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