Ethan <> writes:

> On Wed, Sep 16, 2009 at 11:46 PM, Matt Lundin <> wrote:
>     O.K. So I went a little crazy and added a bunch of definitions to
>     the
>     glossary.
>      -
>     Perhaps it's not so much a glossary any more as an shorter
>     introduction
>     to the basic concepts of org-mode.
> I just wanted to say thank you! This was amazingly, amazingly helpful.

I'm glad it helped! I think I might add some further reading links to
some of the more important items. For instance, it might be helpful to
Bernt's use of categories to that of Charles Cave, etc.

> Just one thought: The section on Archiving says that C-u C-c C-x C-s is
> an "alternate version" of the C-c C-x C-s command, but C-u C-c C-x C-s
> doesn't archive the current headline but its subtrees.

Fixed it.


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