d...@teklibre.org (Dave Täht) writes:

> You are right, but I have found the default install of emacs to be so
> lame on so many distros for so long that I can understand why people
> have flocked to other editors. 
> Take, for example, the fact that no distro that I know of installs an
> emacs compatible ansi-term entry in terminfo by default. (Couple that
> with the fact that no terminal emulator I have found in emacs works as
> good as the equivalent in xterm, gnome-terminal, etc. It's really
> bugging me at the moment, actually, I'd really like to use ansi-term but
> every time I try it ends up spewing data all on the same line after a
> while. I swear I had it working well for a few days with 23.1 but then I
> went back to emacs-snapshot because I didn't want to build everything
> Emacs-snapshot did for me)
> Multiply by the huge number of packages required to make emacs
> competitive with eclipse, like semantic. Stir in missing-by-default
> emacs modes like Python mode.
> Compare with the bundled supported moduls of vim for system
> administration and basic programming tasks. Simmer,
> then run away.

For a better set of defaults (more modes and bells and whistles and a
nice extensible initialization structure), I'd recommend one of the


or my preferred versions of the above


cheers -- Eric

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