"Jing Su @ Gmail" <jing.su...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi guys,
> I was wondering how to install org-mode for Emacs 21.4.1, which is the
> latest version provided by RHEL 5 and RHEL 4. I even cannot find
> previous releases for Emacs 21 at all, nor on the FAQ. It looks that
> Emacs 21 is no longer supported.
> I fully understand that Emacs 21 is way out of date. However, since
> RHEL is one of the mainstream commercial distros, and is common on
> servers, it would be great if org-mode can be consistent with such
> industrial standard'' (which is always way out of date :S ). System
> administrators will take risk to install unofficial org-mode, but most
> of them won't risk the whole server, i.e., risk their necks, for a
> newer but unofficial (according to RH) Emacs version.

No, to heck with that. Most serious users of emacs end up compiling
their own release, at least until recently, because the official
releases were so out of date. I would suggest pulling current rpms from
fedora (maybe they have the equivalent of emacs-snapshot?) And tying
those on rhel.

You are talking about going back to the pre-xft fonts and for that
matter, almost-pre-gtk days of emacs here. If your primary usage is on
servers, that's less of an issue, but things like tramp mode work quite
a bit better on more current emacsen.

If there is such a thing as a non-serious user of emacs, no one in their
right mind would want to cope with 21.x.

> Thanks a lot and best regards :)

> Jing

Dave Taht

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