David Masterson <dsmaster...@icloud.com> writes: > + What is the difference between TOC and the "Outline" slide? Are they > meant to be the same thing?
Yes. > + Why is my "Outline" slide blank? Shouldn't it be picking up all the > "H:1" headings? What am I missing? Frames are usually not placed in TOC. Groups of frames (aka sections) are. But it is not enabled by default. For TOC, beamer presentation is usually structured as #+options: toc:t h:2 * Section 1 ** Frame 1.1 ** Frame 1.2 * Section 2 ... > + The section on "Table of Contents" mentions the titletoc package, but > doesn't explain what it is or how to include it. Is this necessary to > answer the previous question? titletoc package is mentioned in the context of #+TOC keyword. It is necessary for per-section table of contents. Org normally inserts the table of contents in front of the exported document. To move the table of contents to a different location, first turn off the default with ‘org-export-with-toc’ variable or with ‘#+OPTIONS: toc:nil’. Then insert ‘#+TOC: headlines N’ at the desired location(s). #+OPTIONS: toc:nil ... #+TOC: headlines 2 To adjust the table of contents depth for a specific section of the Org document, append an additional ‘local’ parameter. This parameter becomes a relative depth for the current level. The following example inserts a local table of contents, with direct children only. * Section #+TOC: headlines 1 local Note that for this feature to work properly in LaTeX export, the Org file requires the inclusion of the titletoc package. Because of compatibility issues, titletoc has to be loaded _before_ hyperref. Customize the ‘org-latex-default-packages-alist’ variable. > + I think "theme" in Beamer needs more explanation -- perhaps a link to > even the official Beamer place to find information and sample themes? > + Frames and Blocks are difficult concepts -- perhaps there should be a > link to examples in Worg to show the possibilities? I still don't get > the reason for frames and blocks. Perhaps the reference to "Beamer's > sectioning elements, frames, and blocks" should also link to Beamer's > official docs to help. > + Basically, I think the Org Mode doc on Exporting to Beamer should have > a link or two to official Beamer documentation to give new users > something else to jump into if they want to make really good slides. +1. Maybe also a new section explaining TOC in beamer. Patches welcome! -- Ihor Radchenko // yantar92, Org mode maintainer, Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>. Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>, or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>