> How does \cites have anything to do with interactive selection of
> multiple citations at once?

An analogy, especially when exporting. Single selection of a citation
-> \cite, multiple selections -> \cites.

> That's what I am leaning to - modifying oc-basic.el rather than oc.el
> itself.

Thank you, I think the CRM approach is even simpler than the current
prompt-building one. But do we keep the latter?


On Mar 15 2025, at 4:02 pm, Ihor Radchenko <yanta...@posteo.net> wrote:
> Daan Ro <daant...@gmail.com> writes:
> >> > In Latex, \cite is also more commonly used and more asked/documented
> >> > compared to \cites. I think org-cite's decision to make inserting
> >> > citation(s) multiple by default an odd choice.
> >
> >> May you elaborate? Are you talking about auctex?
> > \cites is just rarely used IIRC. A DDG search for "latex \cites" return
> > only a single results on tex.stackexchange.com asking about the
> > differences of \cite and \cites, all the other ones only mention \cite.
> > On https://www.overleaf.com/learn \cites isn't documented at all while
> > \cite is abundantly mentioned.
> Sorry, but I am lost.
> How does \cites have anything to do with interactive selection of
> multiple citations at once?
> > Yes looks like only `org-cite-basic--complete-key' supports inserting
> > citations among org-cite's built-in processors, but it is also about
> > `org-cite-make-insert-processor' producing a lambda that always asks for
> > multiple citations from the 'select-key' function in its last case.
> It feels wrong to try solving UI problems on oc.el level. oc.el has no
> relation to UI specifics.
> I think we may have some misunderstanding about how
> `completing-read-multiple' works. You do not have to select multiple
> keys there. `completing-read-multiple' allows entering a single citation
> key. By default `completing-read-multiple' simply allows you entering
> key1, key2, key3<RET> for multiple keys or just key1<RET> for one.
> In such scenario, the problem you described is not a problem - you may
> always enter a single key1 if you wish to.
> > Converting `org-cite-basic--complete-key' to `completing-read-multiple',
> > preferrably by default looks like a sweet solution? But I'm not sure
> > since that may breaks some people's workflows.
> That's what I am leaning to - modifying oc-basic.el rather than oc.el
> itself.
> --
> Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
> Org mode maintainer,
> Learn more about Org mode at <https://orgmode.org/>.
> Support Org development at <https://liberapay.com/org-mode>,
> or support my work at <https://liberapay.com/yantar92>

Attachment: 0001-org-cite-basic-complete-key-use-completing-read-multiple.patch
Description: Binary data

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