Daan Ro <daant...@gmail.com> writes:

> Currently org-cite-insert requires multiple <RET> to complete. When a
> completion engine is enabled (likely the more common case), like vertico
> or the built-in fido-mode, etc. we must also know how to exit
> "abnormally", usually with "M-j":
> https://github.com/minad/vertico/issues/261, else the command will keep
> asking non-stop.

That's what `org-cite-basic--complete-key' is currently doing, yes.
Non not-stop, but until you enter an empty input.
Why it is so hard to enter empty input in some completion styles is a
separate question.

An alternative could be using `completing-read-multiple' where you can
enter, for example, comma-separated list of citations or a single
citation as you prefer.

> In Latex, \cite is also more commonly used and more asked/documented
> compared to \cites. I think org-cite's decision to make inserting
> citation(s) multiple by default an odd choice.

May you elaborate? Are you talking about auctex?

> May we add an option to make org-cite-insert prompt only once? I
> naively think of an option named org-cite-insert-single.

Not sure. I would like to understand better what the actual problem is.
Is it really with asking for multiple citations? Or is it about specific
default behavior of `org-cite-basic--complete-key'? Have you tried
alternative citation processors that provide custom completion like

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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