Sébastien Gendre <s...@k-7.ch> writes:
> When you take notes and/or manage tasks, do you prefer one big file or
> multiple small files ?

I usually use one file per category of tasks. Full-text search is very
powerful, and helm-rifle makes it very convenient.

> What are you experience ? Do you encounter some limitation with one big
> file or multiple ?

I capture small notes into defined files (i.e. quotes into quotes.org,
arbitrary text snippets into remember.org). When I expect something to
become an article, I create a new file with journal¹ and search those
with deft².

Some of my notes go directly to my website. There I have both regular
articles (single org-mode files, created with M-x draketo-CATEGORY³) and
capture-targets (mainly comments, climate news, and quotes).

For writing RPG books, I use single files from which I sometimes extract
parts (i.e. a table⁴) into their own org-mode files if I want to re-use
them in another document.

Best wishes,

¹ by Ken Fisler, license: GPL. I’ll attach the essential part.
² https://github.com/jrblevin/deft
³ https://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/draketo/browse/draketo.ehttps://hg.sr.ht/~arnebab/ews/browse/Hauptdokument/ews30/english-tabelle-fragen.org

;;; journal --- easy journal entry capture in individual files
;;; Author: Ken Fisler and Arne Babenhauserheide

;;; Commentary:

;; This is an adapted version of the code by Ken Fisler. It captures
;; into date-named org-mode files

;;; Code:
(defcustom journal-dir "~/.local/journal"
  "Where to save your journal entries."
  :type 'string
  :group 'journal)

(defun journal ()
  "Open org file named after FILENAME or today's date, format 
in subdirectory named in variable journal-dir, set in ~/.emacs,
else in $HOME."
  (let ((default-directory journal-dir)
        (filename (concat (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d-%a" nil) ".org")))
    (let ((name (read-file-name
                 "Open journal file: " journal-dir filename nil filename)))
      (find-file name))))
(provide 'journal)
;;; journal.el ends here

Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein,
ohne es zu merken.

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