Phil Estival <> writes:

> Is there any reason to force the extension of the lines of begin/end
> while the whole fontification of a block is on? I haven't seen any
> since org 9 and this allows to under/overline only the text of
> begin/end while setting the background color of the entire line.

This extension is controlled by
`org-fontify-whole-block-delimiter-line', which is an option created for
the sole purpose of extending begin/end line fontification:

    Non-nil means fontify the whole line for begin/end lines of blocks.
    This is useful when setting a background color for the
    org-block-begin-line and org-block-end-line faces.

You are free to disable this custom option if you do not like it.

Ihor Radchenko // yantar92,
Org mode maintainer,
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